A huge thank you to Telus which has provided a 2024 Community Giving grant to 1000X5 Children’s Book Recycling Project Society (Victoria 1000X5). We know that reading to very young children promotes language, imagination, closeness to an adult and “how to handle a...
1000×5 Peninsula
Covering North Saanich, the Town of Sidney, Central Saanich, and (part of) Saanich; and the TSARTLIP, PAUQUACHIN, TSEYCUM, and TSAWOUT First Nation communities.
The PENINSULA “1000 X 5” Children’s Book Recycling Project was established in 2008. We work in partnership with Saanich School District 63 to serve young children and families in the municipalities of North Saanich, the Town of Sidney, Central Saanich, and (part of) Saanich; and the TSARTLIP, PAUQUACHIN, TSEYCUM, and TSAWOUT First Nation communities.We collect books through Saanich District public schools; and at the Peninsula Co-op Food Centre, the Peninsula Early Years Centre, and the North and Central Saanich Municipal Halls. Each week, project volunteers clean, sort, and package gift bags of books for distribution by early childhood educators, health nurses, kindergarten teachers, and staff in many family-serving agencies. On average, 475 children are served each month; 2500 children receive books annually—some multiple times.
To date, the PENINSULA “1000 X 5” Project has distributed over 180,000 books to support the early literacy development of young children in our region.
Thank you to our Major donors:
Thank you to our local donors:
- Sidney-by-the-Sea Rotary Club
- Rotary Club of Brentwood Bay
- Saanich Peninsula Literacy
- District of North Saanich
- The Butchart Gardens
- Garth Homer Society
- District of Central Saanich
- Individual donors
Project Co-Ordinator Daphne Macnaughton
Email: hello@1000×5.ca
1000×5 Stories
Thank You To Telus
Thank You Rotary Club of Victoria Harbourside
The Rotary Club of Victoria-Harbourside provided a $3000 donation to 1000×5, and Executive Director Eileen Eby is delighted. “During COVID we have had to alter plans as you can imagine, these dollars have helped us immensely.” 1000×5 collects books or funds books...
1000×5 Books: Donate And Change Lives
Written by Eileen Eby, 1000x5 Victoria Co-Ordinator What a mountain of donated books! It is so heartening to go into the classrooms where the three 1000X5 projects sort, clean, package and send out books for babies and preschoolers. Volunteers from the Peninsula,...
122,000 and Counting
Written by Daphne Macnaughton, 1000x5 Peninsula Co-Ordinator When the PCEC “1000 X 5” Project began in April 2008, the volunteers and I set a very tentative goal of collecting 1200 books. We adjusted that goal twice in the first year and now—all these years later—we...
Books In Hands Of Young Children
Volunteer Hours Sorting Books
Children taking Home Books Monthly
Agencies Distributing Books To Families
Hello! Get In Touch Anytime!