1000×5 Victoria

Covering Victoria, Oak Bay, Esquimalt, View Royal, Saanich and the Highlands

Established in 2011, 1000X5 Victoria operates within the boundaries of Victoria, Oak Bay, Esquimalt, View Royal, Saanich and the Highlands. (School District 61). We collect books from families in 26 public and 8 independent schools. Each week, 12 dedicated volunteers meet to sort, clean and package beautiful gift bags for babies and preschoolers.

Perhaps the greatest strength of the project is that 1000 X 5 partners every month with 26 respected agencies that work with families. Each month, 1000 children may select a gift bag of 3 books to take home. Soon the pile of books at home begins to look like a library! Over the 11 years, 1000X5 Victoria has distributed just over 275,000 books into the hands of babies and preschoolers.

Thank you to our Major donors:

Thank you to our local donors:



Thank you to all our Individual Donors

Project Co-Ordinator Eileen Eby

Email: hello@1000×5.ca

1000×5 Stories

Lessons From A Family

Maya and her mother Kristin have a lot to teach us about sharing the gift of literacy. When Maya turned five, her mother hosted a ‘toonie’ party, where each guest brings two toonies; one for a present for the birthday child, and one to be donated to charity. Together...

“Just Right” Support

I love the image in our masthead. The baby, all of 9 months old, is in command of that book! She holds the pages while intently studying the image that has captivated the readers of Dr. Seuss for generations. And she already knows that when she is ready to move on,...

One Thousand Books by Age Five: The Benefits

September is an exciting time for the “1000 X 5” Project leaders and volunteers!  Each fall, we resume weekly work bees in schools where we collect, screen, count, sort, label, and package gift bags of books for families with young children. We have fun while we work...

Got Books?

We rely on donations of books for babies and preschoolers from members of the community. If you have books for children under the age of 5 that you no longer need, why not consider donating them to us? We will ensure that your books continue to put smiles on children all over the Capital Region. Get in touch with us to arrange a drop off.


A Mom of a past preschooler approached me to let me know just how 1000x5 and our preschool had helped her and her son through a difficult time.  1000x5 gave them the books needed to bond. The books came as a gift from the heart with no strings  attached. They found some sense of solace in being able to share the stories together, often taking them to a land of fantasy and better times. Mom and son looked forward to the evenings of sharing and at some points laughter. She would tell me books are expensive and with thanks to 1000x5 and our preschool program they are in a better place with goals to move ahead while still loving and learning from the gift of books. Mom beams with pride and appreciation of these two groups.

From an Early Childhood Educator

Families value the books provided by 1000 x 5 because they want the best for their children and they generally understand that reading, being read to and the world of stories is important.  They also appreciate the quality of books in terms of selection, condition and packaging.  We know this because parents tell us so.  We also see the positive reaction to the books when we offer them to parents using the services of our Food Bank. 

Partnering with 1000x5 has allowed the Mustard Seed to promote literacy with low income families who might otherwise not have regular access to quality books.  We tend to see many people on a regular basis who might not be connected to other resources such as the library.  1000 x 5 books have enhanced our service to the community by combining childhood literacy with emergency food supplies.   Recent information from 1000x5 stated that the Mustard Seed has distributed over 50,000 books to children under 6 years of age over the past few years through 1000 x 5 – that is amazing and wonderful news! 

The Mustard Seed

Artemis Young Parent Program supports pregnant teens and young parents in a nurturing community while also providing a safe, stimulating environment for their children. In the on-site licensed infant/toddler centre the staff of experienced Early Childhood Educators provide care for 12 children along with building respectful, trusting relationships with their families. We have greatly appreciated being a part of the 1000x5 book project. The children love getting new books each month and it’s always a gift to watch a mom sit down with her child to read together - for some of them this wasn’t an activity they experienced in their own childhood. We want to thank all of you for your generousity, time and work in organizing this project.

Artemis Young Parent Program

For 8 years, we have had a pink bin at our front door in which to collect books to send to 1000X5. It has become a familiar sight to see parents or children tipping books into that bin. We send newsletter updates that Eileen provides and sometimes mention the bin on the announcements. One of the most moving moments was when a student arrived in the office, saying “I just had a birthday and got lots of presents. I want to give something away.” and deposited a few books into the bin. We know how important books are to all kids, but especially in the early years. Thank you 1000x5 for all that you do to help more children enter school ready and happy to learn. 

Elementary Principal

Victoria Native Friendship Centre families have received in excess of 8,000 books since the inception of 1000 by 5.  What a gift this has been for our families! Each month the families, particularly the children, look forward to picking out new books to take home

I have noticed that parents are reading more to their children in the centre, which in the past was something that rarely happened in public.  The children are demanding to hear the stories that they have chosen and the parents are obliging. What this indicates to me is two things.  One, the attachment between child and parent is stronger and two, that reading is taking precedence over the other toys and stimulus in the room.  Both are amazing outcomes for our parents and their children. We can’t thank you and the people who take the time to package the books each month for the gift of words.

Victoria Native Friendship Centre

Thank you so much for all of your hard work on 1000 x 5.  This program makes such a difference for our Strong Start children and their families.  We so appreciate all of the support that you provide in ensuring that these wonderful books get in the hands of our wee Strong Start children.  Congratulations on your milestone of 130,000 That means 130,000 opportunities for early learners in our community to be confident, enthusiastic readers in the future.

Strong Start

Talking about 1000x5 and offering books to families helps promote early literacy at home. Some families in our postnatal groups have expressed that the books received through 1000x5 are the first books that baby reads/plays with.  Parents tell me their children love the books. Parents get baby books at a time when they might not have taken their babies to the library yet or tried to get any books for them so they are encouraging literacy at a younger age.  The parents see the pleasure babies get from books.

Esquimalt Neighbourhood House

Wow, awesome work.  Congratulations.  The books we get here at Vic West disappear to smiling people as quick as we can stock them up so keep up the great work.  Plus, we have a book exchange here so we do see books return and get shared around the neighbourhood. Could we get some books some time for our special events? We share your passion for increasing literacy in young children and find many times to share that with families.

Vic West Community Centre

As a Public Health Nurse, it is an amazing gift to be able to give books to families when we meet them at the Health Unit or do a Home Visit. It opens up the conversation for families to talk about reading with their children. It also allows us to role model for parents who may not be reading frequently at home. Sometimes I encourage parents to talk about the pictures or colours in a book if the child doesn’t want to sit and listen to the story. We know that this special time for children is essential to their literacy and future learning skills. Thank you to all the volunteers and people who make the 1000x5 program happen. I hope we can continue to recycle books in our community and get them into the hands of families with young children.

A Public Health Nurse


Books In Hands Of Young Children

Volunteer Hours Sorting Books

Children taking Home Books Monthly

Agencies Distributing Books To Families

Hello! Get In Touch Anytime!
